Teen entrepreneur fighting food insecurity surprised by Daymond John with ‘Shark Tank’ invite

WATCH: Meet the Disney Dreamer student who started a farm to address food insecurity
As 100 teenage students from underrepresented communities gathered at the most magical place on Earth for the Disney Dreamers Academy, Te’Lario Watkins II put his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to food justice on display.
The 16-year-old entrepreneur, author, speaker and Hunger Hero from Columbus, Ohio, started his own business, Tiger Mushroom Farms, at just 7 years old. He later went on to create The Garden Club Project, a nonprofit, to help end hunger and encourage kids to eat healthier.
In his bio for the Disney Dreamers program, Te’Lario wrote that his career goal “is to use technology to improve the food system in my community and communities around the world.”
His mom, Lavanya Watkins, said in an interview at the event, “Watching my son go through the Disney Dreamers Academy has been amazing. It’s like a little fire has been ignited in him.”
Entrepreneur, motivational speaker and “Shark Tank” star investor Daymond John even surprised Te’Lario at the event in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, to invite him onto the ABC show.
“I read your story. I love how you’re trying to fight hunger in your community,” John said upon meeting the young agriculture entrepreneur. “I wanted to give you a little opportunity to come with me to ‘Shark Tank.'”
Without hesitation, Te’Lario told John, “I’ll be available any time.”
For 17 years, the Disney Dreamers Academy has worked to guide and motivate students in diverse communities by encouraging the next generation to think big and to use what they learn in their relentless pursuit of their dreams.
Graduates have gone on to become doctors, engineers, performing artists, entrepreneurs and more, and some have transitioned into mentors for the Disney Dreamers who followed them.