The Artificial Intelligence Paradox | Psychology Today

The Global Paradox.
The late John Naisbitt was an American author who specialized in studying the future. In his 1994 book The Global Paradox, Naisbitt predicted two seemingly separate trends rising together: Tribalism will rise as technology makes the economic world more global and interconnected. By tribalism, Naisbitt meant a “bonding of distinctive human beings.”
At first, the connection between these two variables seemed confusing. With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear. Brexit is one example. The U.S. backlash against government-mandated mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic is another.
The Artificial Intelligence Paradox
We predict two trends will rise together. As with the global paradox, these two variables seem to not relate to each other: As artificial intelligence becomes more common, the value of trustworthy personal relationships will increase.
For example, one of the authors received an email congratulating him on his outstanding career and suggesting that the reader might benefit from getting to know the services provided by the writer’s firm. At first, the author was pleasantly surprised by the compliments. It became clear that no human could have put the author’s professional life into such a detailed framework. It had to have been an artificial intelligence program. Instead of being open to meeting the writer, the reader was determined not to engage.
Valid information can be mistrusted when perceived to come from AI. People will be more aware of AI’s capability to provide convincing yet invalid information. Valid information can also be used for negative reasons. The result will be increased skepticism of what is written and imaged on screens.
Implications for Your Career
AI is going to become an increasingly crucial tool. According to the Wall Street Journal, (Bindley, 2024), knowledge workers who operate with technology “get it” and are rapidly learning how to employ it.
Knowledge workers who operate in nontechnical spheres will learn that if they fail to learn how to use AI to advance their businesses, their competitors will do so.
Keeping abreast of AI trends will become mandatory for success in all knowledge work.
The AI paradox predicts that as more information is communicated, there will be an increasing yearning for information from trusted sources. Who can you trust? Since 2020, American workers have tripled the time spent in virtual meetings yet spend less time on informal face-to-face conversations that foster trust (Chen, 2024).
You want to develop and execute a strategy to manage your limited free time with one or two professional associations. Membership alone is insufficient. Active participation in one association committee helps you create a trustworthy reputation outside your company.
This career advice might sound evident to older Psychology Today readers, but it might take convincing for younger professionals. Social media is not a trustworthy source of information. It is a medium to publicize how you want others to view you. As AI rises, trust in social media will fall. As one sign outside a church said: “May Your Life Be as Awesome as You Pretend It Is on Facebook.”
AI Paradox and Selecting Your Education Options
It is no longer taken for granted that the professor is the most knowledgeable subject matter expert in the classroom. Combine this with the high tuition costs, and it will be increasingly alluring to obtain professional education online.
If a trustworthy reputation is going to be increasingly important, be aware that most online education provides only information. Try to be physically present in classes where students form teams to respond to problems. Forming trustworthy relationships for the future may be as crucial as learning skills and listing new certifications on your resume.
The development of lifetime trustworthy relationships is an on-campus value proposition that many higher education officials on campus have yet to explore as they seek to maintain or expand enrollment.
Summary and Conclusions
The artificial intelligence paradox links the rise of AI to an increase in the value of personal trustworthiness. From a career and education perspective, this means expanding your face-to-face connections outside your existing network. This advice contradicts the prevailing notion that celebrates the rise of digital marketing as a replacement for traditional sales approaches and the rise of online learning. Social media will increasingly be seen as an inappropriate vehicle for developing a reputation as trustworthy.
K. Bindley. “Workers Upgrade Their Skills Amid AI Jobs Boom.” The Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2024, A1.
T. Chen. “Feeling lonely at Work? You Are Not Alone.” The Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2024 A10.
J. Naisbitt. The Global Paradox. 1994. New York: William Morrow & Co.