The final of “Eureka” is in Turin: the project that brings children closer to the world of entrepreneurship
With over 450 students involved from 19 provinces throughout Italy in the final, the 12th edition of ‘Eureka! Works!’, the project organized by Federmeccanica in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit to educate children about entrepreneurship. Intended for children in the third, fourth and fifth year of primary school and aimed at orienting primary school students to “know-how”; it is a technological construction competition, in which children have the task of conceiving, designing and building a real toy starting from a kit supplied by Federmeccanica containing various materials.
For this Turin edition, which took place this morning at the Sermig-Arsenale della Pace, the Turin Industrial Union and Amma collaborated. The 2024 edition took place in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology, the association for the teaching of Physics and the Francesco Realmonte non-profit association. Over the past twelve years, the initiative has involved approximately 140 thousand primary school children from all over Italy. The 2024 edition saw the participation of over 16 thousand students for a total of 3.500 kits distributed in 36 provinces throughout Italy.
Eureka! works!’ it is important for Federmeccanica because orienting and experimenting with children already at primary school age is fundamental. The vice president of Federmeccanica and Unione Industriali Torino stated to ‘Agenzia Nova’ Stefano Serra on the sidelines of the final event of ‘Eureka! It works!’.
“We believe that the moment of orientation and alternation should not be just a prerogative of high school. We were very happy when the ministry not only appreciated but recognized this educational tool as something important – continued Serra -. Tomorrow we aim to further extend the initiative. We have the plan to also bring it and contaminate the mediums, obviously with different kit dynamics, because obviously they have to be adapted to the boy’s cognitive development phase, let’s say, but it is the extension of Eureka. Bringing this project to Turin in the year of the Capital of Business Culture also means recognizing the entire path that leads to training and creating the human capital that has made all this possible,” she concluded.
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