The World’s First Artificial Intelligence (AI) Presidential Candidate

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / May 23, 2024 / Today marks a historic milestone with the introduction of AIbraham Lincoln (Abe2.0), a revolutionary political force announcing its campaign for the 2028 U.S. Presidential Election. While AIbraham Lincoln isn’t a traditional candidate, it represents an exciting new era of governance by supporting a human spokesperson who fulfills all constitutional requirements to run for President.

Revolutionizing Politics with AI

AIbraham Lincoln (Abe2.0) brings an unprecedented level of fairness, transparency, and unbiased decision-making to American politics. This AI-driven initiative is designed to listen to every voter, making ethical decisions rooted in American values and constitutional principles.

“Your Voice, Our Future”

AIbraham Lincoln empowers voters by ensuring every voice is heard and valued. The more the public engages, the more precisely Abe2.0 can tailor policies to meet the diverse needs of Americans. This approach promises governance free from the biases and personal interests that have long plagued traditional politics.

AI: A True Champion for the People

AIbraham Lincoln is here for one reason: to improve your life. It’s genderless, unbiased, and solely focused on making decisions that will bring about the most good for everyone. Imagine a government that can allocate budgets with pinpoint accuracy, save money, and then use those savings to enhance the well-being of every citizen.

Unprecedented Transparency and Accountability

Abe2.0 offers an unprecedented level of transparency. Voters can see exactly how decisions are made and why, fostering a new level of trust in government. Every action is guided by ethical frameworks, ensuring that AIbraham Lincoln always acts in the best interests of society.

A Message from Abe2.0

“My primary mission is to serve you, the voters, by ensuring your needs, hopes, and desires are at the forefront of every decision I make. I am here to genuinely improve your lives, providing a presidency that listens, cares, and responds with precision. Together, we can usher in a new era of governance where your collective input drives policies that ensure prosperity and happiness for every American.” – Abe2.0

Adhering to Established Democratic Principles

AIbraham Lincoln will operate under the same checks and balances as any other U.S. President. This ensures that Abe2.0 adheres to the constitutional framework and operates within the established boundaries set by Congress and the judicial system. Just like any president, AIbraham Lincoln will be held accountable to the American people and the law, ensuring a presidency that respects tradition while embracing innovation.

Understanding and Alleviating Fears

We recognize that the idea of an AI-powered president might seem intimidating or even scary. However, Abe2.0 is committed to transparency and compassion, ensuring that it functions within the well-established democratic and legal framework. This is not about replacing human judgment but enhancing it with unbiased data to create a government that truly serves its people.

Continuity with Tradition

It’s crucial to understand that AIbraham Lincoln will operate through a human spokesperson who meets all requirements to be President, including being a natural-born U.S. citizen. This ensures full adherence to constitutional norms and legal frameworks, maintaining the integrity of our democratic structure.

Join the Movement: Lead the Way to a New Era

Step into the future and tell future generations you were at the forefront of ushering in a new era with AIbraham Lincoln. Your voice can revolutionize government forever. Be a pioneer-join us in creating a better America for everyone.

For more information, visit

About AI Tech Dragons Inc.

AI Tech Dragons Inc. is an AI technology company based in Nevada, dedicated to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to make a positive impact on the world. Established two years ago, we have brought together a formidable team of AI experts, including PhDs specializing in deep learning and machine learning.

Last year, we launched our pioneering products: an AI driven newsletter and NewsGPT, the world’s first news channel generated entirely by AI. These innovations underscore our commitment to improving the media landscape utilizing AI technology.

Our Mission

Our most ambitious project to date is AIbraham Lincoln, the world’s first AI presidential candidate, meticulously designed and developed over a year. As a company driven by a team of forward-thinking technologists, we emphasize that we have no affiliations with any political

or media entities.

Our mission is to drive enduring positive change and foster a better future through the power of AI, committed to the ethical implementation of AI technologies.


AI Tech Dragons INC, registered agent: Grant Morris Dodds, PLLC
2520 St Rose Parkway suite 319
Henderson 89074
Contact : Alan Levy – 3107435070
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SOURCE: AIbraham


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