
TiE Boston Announces Theme for TiECON East 2024: The Connected Entrepreneur – Boundless Innovation and Borderless Connection

From left to right: Yash Shah, Bhaskar Panigrah and Nithya Iyer Singh

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BOSTON— TiE Boston announced the theme for TiECON East 2024: “The Connected Entrepreneur: Boundless Innovation and Borderless Connections.”

Scheduled for September 13, 2024, at the Boston Sheraton Hotel, this year’s conference will spotlight the influential role of connected entrepreneurs in today’s dynamic business landscape.

For the first time in the history of TiECON East, the conference will feature an alliance with the New York chapter of TiE.

Historically organized by TiE Boston, this joint effort signifies a major milestone, expanding the conference’s reach and influence. The involvement of the New York chapter brings a wealth of additional resources, expertise, and networking opportunities. This cooperation promises to enrich the conference experience by fostering a broader exchange of ideas, facilitating cross-regional partnerships, and providing attendees with diverse perspectives from two of the most dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystems in the United States.

The synergy between the Boston and New York chapters is expected to elevate TiECON East 2024, making it an even more impactful event for all participants.

Yash Shah

“TiECON East is a unique convergence of forward-thinking individuals who are dedicated to innovation, growth, and transformative change,” said TiE Boston President Yash Shah. “This year, we are thrilled to focus on the theme of the connected entrepreneur, emphasizing the critical role of networking and collaboration in driving success. With the exciting addition of New York as a partnering chapter, TiECON East 2024 is poised to extend its reach and impact, fostering connections that transcend geographical boundaries.”

The theme “The Connected Entrepreneur: Boundless Innovation and Borderless Connections” focuses on business leaders who effectively use their networks to foster professional relationships, access valuable resources, and leverage opportunities. Staying connected also means keeping abreast of market trends, innovations, and the latest business practices, making entrepreneurs particularly adaptable and often ahead in competitive environments.

Bhaskar Panigrahi

“The conference theme encapsulates the essence of modern entrepreneurship,” said Bhaskar Panigrahi, Chair of TiECON East. “It highlights the importance of connectivity in driving innovation, fostering growth, and staying ahead of market trends. At TiECON East 2024, we aim to showcase how these connected entrepreneurs navigate and thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.”

This year’s TiECON East will feature a diverse range of keynote speeches, startup pitches, networking sessions, and TEDx-style programs relevant to entrepreneurship, innovation, technology trends, funding strategies, and business growth. The conference will cover six key topics:

1. Cutting-edge and Emerging Technologies of the Future

2. Fostering Growth with a Focus on Best Practices in Sales and Marketing

3. Share Your Story with Real-life Inspiring Connected Entrepreneur’s Journey

4. Showcase Opportunities to Present Brand and Value Proposition

5. Market Outlook from Investors and Investment Banks

6. Exit Options: Learning from Experienced Entrepreneurs

Nithya Iyer Singh

“The sessions have been meticulously designed to address the most pressing topics and trends in entrepreneurship and innovation,” said Nithya Iyer Singh, Co-Chair of TiECON East. “From exploring cutting-edge technologies to discussing best practices in sales and marketing, each session aims to provide invaluable insights and practical knowledge. We’re excited to offer real-life stories from inspiring entrepreneurs. Additionally, our focus on exit strategies will equip attendees with the know-how to successfully navigate their entrepreneurial journey.”

TiECON East 2024 is committed to empowering entrepreneurs with the tools and connections they need to thrive. The conference will be held at the Boston Sheraton Hotel. Tickets are available at tieconeast.com.



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