
Tips For Data Privacy, Ediscovery, and Cybersecurity Professionals and Hiring Managers – April 2024 | TRU Staffing Partners, Inc.

The TRU Staffing Partners Hot Jobs newsletter provides readers with a weekly tip for our professionals and hiring managers in the data privacy, ediscovery, and cybersecurity spaces. With more than 12 years of experience in staffing and recruiting for our industries, our TRU Tips are relevant and crucial for anyone hiring or job hunting in our communities.

April 3, 2024

TRU projects 85% of offers extended and accepted will be in hybrid or fully remote positions with three days or fewer required in an office in 2024. Read our 2024 Data Privacy Jobs Report to learn more.

Top 5 Motivations for Privacy Jobs Seekers 2024 (Based on Q1 2024 Data):

  1. Burnout
  2. Working remotely more
  3. $$$$$$
  4. Innovation/buy-in
  5. Vertical mobility

April 10th, 2024 

38% of TRU privacy contractors who started assignments in 2023 were offered direct hire conversions by Q1 2024.

Top 3 Privacy Job Market Takeaways from IAPP GPS:

  1. Most attendees were looking for jobs because they’re burnt out at their current employer.

  2. Privacy professionals need to focus on winning the “vertical” battle within U.S. corporations to meaningfully accelerate the professionalism of privacy over the next two to three years. (Read “The Brussels Effect”).

  3. A.I.’s biggest impact on the privacy job market to date is the utilization of privacy resources for A.I. purposes that don’t necessarily apply to privacy. This is one of many factors that has led to diminished bandwidth and burnout within the community.

April 17th, 2024

The Q1 2024 top motivations for ESI job seekers are: working remotely more, burnout, salary increase, diversified business/horizontal growth, and getting RelativityOne experience. Watch the latest Eye on ESI video recap here.

Top 3 TRU Trends in Ediscovery from Q1 2024:

  1. 78% of open jobs require two to three days in an office.

  2. Law firm openings exceeded vendor openings in Q1 for the first time in three years.

  3. Speed of hire accelerated in February and decelerated in March by 10-20 days depending on the role. 

April 24th, 2024

In 2024, TRU expects 90% of offers to be for hybrid or fully remote roles, requiring three or fewer office days. Only 10% of jobs will mandate four to five office days. This shift is due to the efficiency of hybrid roles, which fill 11 times more quickly than in-office positions, resulting in fewer of the latter being filled in 2023. Learn more in our 2024 Ediscovery Jobs Report

Top 3 TRU Trends in Ediscovery from Q1 2024:

  1. Salary ranges remain the same, but employers are favoring the lower-end.
  2. ESI sales openings are at a one-year all-time high.
  3. RelativityOne’s impact on the job market is now beginning to take effect.


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