
Top 20 Nordic telco companies by total employees 2024

As of April 2024, Telia Company AB was the telecommunications company in the Nordics with most employees. Over 19 thousand people worked for the company at the evaluated period. Second in the ranking was Eltel AB, with around five thousand employees. Among the other enterprises with high number of employees were Tele2 AB and Sinch AB (publ), both of which had over three thousand individuals hired. 

Turnover and net profit of telecom companies

Telia Company AB was also the telecom company with biggest turnover in the Nordic in 2024. Reaching over eight billion euros turnover, it was followed by Tele2 AB, who was also the company with the biggest net profit in the Nordic countries for the same period.

Biggest companies

The biggest company in general in the Nordic region in 2023, by number of employees, was the Swedish Security Services company Securitas AB. Next in the ranking came Norks Sykepleierforbund, H&M, and Nokia. All the mentioned enterprises had over a hundred thousand employees for the evaluated period.


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