UNDP launches mentoring programme to support women and youth entrepreneurship

06 June 2024, Bishkek – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kyrgyzstan, in collaboration with the JIA Business Association, is launching a mentoring programme for women entrepreneurs and youth. The mentoring programme is part of the UNDP project “Aid for Trade in Central Asia”, funded by the government of Finland, and aimed at supporting the development of value chains (VAC) of natural honey, adventure tourism, dried fruits, and dried berries, felt and leather products.
Mentoring initiatives play an important role in economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs and promote socio-economic well-being. Currently, women are represented in a wide range of economic activities, ranging from trade, services, textiles to IT and nanotechnology.
“The mentoring programme is one of the important areas of the Programme of the Kyrgyz Republic on the Development of Women’s Entrepreneurship. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic supports initiatives aimed at developing entrepreneurship among women, in particular helping to build the capacity of micro and small enterprises. It is great that this mentoring programme is also aimed at strengthening value chains in key sectors prioritized for the development of Kyrgyzstan,” noted Ainura Usenbekova, Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The mentoring initiative will focus on developing and implementing a mentoring programme for women entrepreneurs and will include capacity-building activities to develop business, enter export markets, as well as individual mentoring to build networks, share experiences and find solutions to practical problems. In addition, mentees will have access to grant support for the introduction of green and innovative technologies in production, which will also be provided by UNDP.
“The development of women’s entrepreneurship is one of the most effective ways to overcome poverty and promote sustainable socio-economic development of communities. UNDP strives to support inclusive economies by building the capacity of entrepreneurs, complementing its initiatives with small grants programmes. At the same time, priority attention is paid to the sustainability and growth of micro and small businesses benefitting women,” emphasized Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan.
In general, it is expected that the mentoring programme will contribute to an increase in sales and income, creation of new jobs, export access for value chain participants, as well as the development of new products.
For media inquiries contact Ainagul Abdrakhmanova, UNDP Communications Officer, at ainagul.abdrakhmanova@undp.org
About the project: The project “Aid for Trade in Central Asia” is funded by the Government of Finland and has been implemented in Kyrgyzstan since 2009. At the current stage, project’s Phase-V (2023 – 2025) is being implemented and aimed at promoting inclusive and sustainable growth through the development of “green” value chains and increasing the competitiveness of production. The project helps increase sales, create new jobs by using the country’s natural potential and preserving the environment and focuses on strengthening four value chains: dried fruits, natural honey, adventure tourism, and craftsmanship.