UNESCO-APEID welcomes nine new national chapters to entrepreneurship network in Asia-Pacific

The Entrepreneurship Education Network (EE-Net) was established in late 2013 by UNESCO and the Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development (UNESCO-APEID) to promote entrepreneurship education in the Asia-Pacific region. Its mission is to engage policy-makers, educators, researchers, entrepreneurs, students and communities to enhance understanding and knowledge in entrepreneurship education through various platforms and activities.
EE-Net facilitates discussions, coordinates research studies, disseminates best practices, recommends policies, and fosters collaboration. Despite recent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, EE-Net remains committed to its mission.
During the pandemic, for instance, only the EE-Net national chapters in China and the Philippines remained active. However, as activities gradually resume, and following the successful annual 2023 EE-Net meeting at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, there has been a notable resurgence of interest in the Network.
EE-Net is therefore delighted to announce the recent establishment of nine new national chapters committed to invigorating entrepreneurship education in their respective countries. The nine new national chapters selected on the basis of proposals submitted comprise China (renewal), Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, The Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Uzbekistan.
Establishing these new national chapters marks a significant step forward in EE-Net’s continual expansion, promising greater regional collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in entrepreneurship education.
According to the approval letter from the Education section of the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok, the EE-Net Secretariat, the national chapters will be valid for three years, from April 2024 to April 2027. Their status as national chapters will be renewed depending on their performance and effectiveness in fulfilling their EE-Net mandate in their respective countries.
Congratulations to all the countries involved in establishing these national chapters! Your dedication to entrepreneurship education is commendable, and we look forward to your impactful contributions to the EE-Net community.
Let’s continue building a vibrant, inclusive network fostering entrepreneurship education for a brighter future. Together, we can make a difference.
For more information
For more information on the activities and mandate of UNESCO-APEID, as well as its upcoming meeting from 10 to 11 October 2024 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan:
To reach the EE-Net Secretariat at UNESCO Bangkok: eenet@unesco.org
Institutions and individuals interested in joining the new EE-Net National Chapter in their country are encouraged to reach out to their respective national EE-Net coordinators:
China: Mr Xiaozhou XU, UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneuria
Education at Zhejiang University: xxiaozhou@163.com
Indonesia: Ms Dessy Aliandrina, Sociopreneur Indonesia: dessy@sociopreneur.id
Malaysia: Mr Phang Kar Yew, Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC): phangky@harveston.com.my
Pakistan: Mr Talib S. Karim & Mr Raza Abbas, Institute of Business Management (IoBM): president@iobm.edu.pk and raza.abbas@iobm.edu.pk
The Philippines: Mr Antonio M. Lopez and Mr Jose Noel Santos, Entrepreneurs School of Asia Thames International Business School: alopeznj6@gmail.com
Singapore: Mr Ryan Lim, Reactor School: ryan@reactor.school
Sri Lanka: Ms Kalpana Ambepitiya, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU): kalpana.ambepitiya@gmail.com
Thailand: Mr Dato’ Stephen Cheah, GEN Thailand Company Ltd.: steve@genthailand.org
Uzbekistan: Mr Sultanov Djamshid, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi: sdjamshid@gmail.com