Use of artificial intelligence soars in Puerto Rico | Top Stories

Of the 59% of Puerto Ricans who reported having heard of artificial intelligence (AI), 40% of this group indicated that they had used it by 2024, a dramatic increase from the 6% reported in 2023, according to the most recent Digital Trends Study, conducted for the Sales and Marketing Executives Association of Puerto Rico (SME).
The study, which was presented today during the SME Digital Forum, was conducted between April and May with people ages 12 and older with a total sample of 1,000 individuals.
“I found this data curious (having heard about AI) because Pew Research in the United States places it at 33%. So, in Puerto Rico we are above average in having heard about artificial intelligence,” said Juan Carlos Pedreira, digital strategist, during the presentation this morning at the Puerto Rico Convention Center.
When analyzing the data on the user profile, the group with the highest proportion was male (56%), single (73%), students (44%), workers (65%), with a median university education level, with an income of $30,000 to $39,000 and a median age of 24 years.
Regarding activities, 50% use it for study, 15% use it for curiosity, 15% for professional work, 9% for entertainment and 4% for personal development.
Only 5% pay for an artificial intelligence system and in the top three of the main ones they pay for, Chat GPT led the way.
For her part, Anitza Cox, director of analysis and social policy at Estudios Técnicos, the firm that conducted the study, emphasized that, although use has increased, the level of trust has not.
“We do see positive perceptions, for example, 58% consider it to be an advance that helps society in general and 47% want to continue exploring, because they are curious to continue learning about the subject. But 75% of consumers are concerned about misinformation through fake videos and images, especially in elections…. They are also concerned about job substitution (75%). Those are perhaps the two main concerns they have and that implies the need for us to also educate on the topic of artificial intelligence,” Cox said.