USU names first Chief Data Analytics Officer | News

LOGAN – Since joining Utah State University seven months ago, serving as executive director and associate vice president for Analysis, Assessment, and Accreditation, Jeff Aird has made contributions to advancing the university’s strategic goals.
This week he was named USU’s chief data analytics officer (CDAO) serving as an advisor and strategist to university leadership.
USU’s Vice President for Operational Strategy John O’Neill said Aird will guide the university’s efforts to extract maximum value from USU’s most valuable non-human asset, the school’s assembled data.
Through more than a decade in higher education, most of it at Salt Lake Community College, Aird has held various leadership responsibilities.
He is a USU cum laude graduate in American Studies and later earned both a master’s in public administration and a Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) from BYU.