VCU launching a minor in artificial intelligence

Virginia Commonwealth University is launching a minor in practical artificial intelligence as part of its latest effort to adapt to AI’s sweeping emergence, the school said this week.
The curriculum focuses on the uses and ethical considerations of AI, and students can begin taking classes this fall.
“At VCU, we are committed to future-proofing our students by swiftly adapting our curriculum to meet the demands of the AI era,” said Fotis Sotiropoulos, the university’s provost.
An interdisciplinary minor, the academic portfolio includes classes called “Essentials of Artificial Intelligence” in the computer science department, “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence” in the philosophy department and “AI in Mass Media.” To earn the minor, a student has to take about six classes.
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The minor benefits students in a wide variety of academic backgrounds, from future journalists to future hospital administrators, the school said. It is relevant “to virtually any student’s path of study at VCU,” said Zach Hilpert, director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program.
A student walks past a sign at Virginia Commonwealth University. VCU students can begin taking classes in AI as part of a minor this fall.
Similar to its minor in AI, VCU also added a minor in “mixed and immersive reality,” which encompasses computer science, engineering and communication arts. It attempts to answer questions such as “What happens when a crime occurs virtually?” and “How can video games help with chronic pain?”
Students can take either minor and build them into their own customized major through Interdisciplinary Studies.
“Every student, regardless of technological skill, has a right and responsibility to learn about AI,” said Mariah Crilley, associate director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program.
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