Waste to Energy & Green Energy Services

Effective management of waste and finite resources is a critical issue across the world. Society must secure affordable, reliable and sustainable energy supplies, while tackling climate change through global emission reductions. Waste to Energy, combined with the recovery of useful materials for recycling can play an important part in delivering these objectives.
Arup helps clients act by combining global expertise in waste and energy with insight into local markets and regulation. Our analytical approach helps clients assess their needs, identifying optimal business models and technical solutions to meet their objectives.
At Arup, we deliver projects through their entire lifecycle, from feasibility to project management and the detailed engineering of waste management facilities.
Rethinking waste solutions worldwide
Arup sees Waste to Energy as one element of a sustainable resource management strategy. Our global skills network and big-picture insight help clients consider it within a suite of options.
In Nairobi, our feasibility study helped power company Kengen assess the viability of using solid waste to generate electricity, limiting the growth of the Dandora Dump and its impact on the local population.
In Wales, we advised on a new anaerobic digestion plant to treat up to 51,500 tonnes of food waste annually, generating up to 12GWh of green energy. Meanwhile, in St Petersburg, Arup advised the City Government on its selection of a waste management technology and the procurement of a mechanical biological treatment plant with an integrated, waste fuelled, energy recovery facility.
Delivering innovative facilities
Arup’s track record in infrastructure design underpins our ability to deliver new Waste to Energy plants and upgrade existing facilities. Through innovation, we meet business aspirations as well as stringent regulations.
Arup is lead consultant for the civil works and building design, providing multidisciplinary design services for Lincolnshire County Council’s new Waste to Energy facility. The plant, which uses moving grate combustion technology will treat up to 150,000 tonnes of waste per year, producing enough electricity to power 10,000 homes.
In Hong Kong, Arup led the design for the world’s largest sewage sludge treatment facility, which will generate power from the waste left over after treating sewage. The Building Information Modelling techniques we used enabled clash detection and allowed the designers to ensure safe access to all areas of the works, as well as providing sufficient space for maintenance and lifting operations.