Water cybersecurity survey

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) – Only 8% of the water systems in Alabama we surveyed responded to our requests for information on their cybersecurity practices, and of those responses, some declined to answer our specific questions and provided only a general statement.
Of those who did, here’s what we found:
1). If you were to compare how much time your system spends focusing on/preparing for/defending against cyber attacks on key assets compared to the time spent on that same subject two years ago, would you describe that time as: Less than before, About the same, More than before ?
2). Within the last two years has your system conducted or participated in a simulation or tabletop exercise that simulates an attempted cyberattack or specifically tests/highlights the cyber vulnerabilities in your system?
- Yes: 66%
- No:16%
- Contract Pending to do so: 16%
3). Does your system hold/carry/pay for cybersecurity insurance?
- Yes: 50%
- No:16%
- Won’t Disclose: 34%
4). How often do you audit your cyber security protections for your system?
- Daily:16%
- Annually:33%
- Won’t Disclose: 51%
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