Product Management
What are BRD , MRD, PRD for Product Manager? | by Michael Tiong

- Audience: Project team, development team, QA team, UIUX designers
- Purpose: To tell the audience how you want the product to be developed
- Description: Inside this document, you will find more details on
i. product features including the design, user flow, mockup
ii. backend requirements, sequence diagram etc.
iii. User experience requiements
iv. Testing requirements - When: Before the product development starts
- What to include:
i. Document revised history
ii. What are the product purpose, strategy
iii. Feature list and prioritization
iv. Non functional requirements, timeline etc. - What they will do after they read :
a. QA team will know how to create test cases
b. Tech team will have better ideas on how the product look like and how to develop the product
Not matter which organization you are in, just keep in mind by having info in BRD,MRD, PRD, even though BRD/MRD might not be written by you, it helps you to launch an excellent product.
1. MRD
2. MRD