
What to know about Spot, the robotic dog helping US police departments

A police robot dog was shot for the first time this month, the latest sign that the robots are taking bullets and tasks from the mundane to the dangerous.

The Massachusetts State Police recently deployed a Spot robot on March 6 during a seven-hour standoff. The department sent the dog into a home with an armed 30-year-old man who moments earlier had allegedly held his mom at knifepoint. The suspect would shoot the robot three times, partially disabling it, the Barnstable Police Department in Hyannis said in a Facebook post.

State police said deploying “Roscoe,” the name given to the Spot robot used in the standoff, may have saved officers’ and real dogs’ lives during the incident.

“In addition to providing critically important room clearance and situational awareness capabilities, the insertion of Roscoe into the suspect residence prevented the need, at that stage of response, from inserting human operators and a real dog, and may have prevented a police officer or K9 from being involved in an exchange of gunfire,” according to the Massachusetts State Police’s social media post.


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