Which European countries are using electric vehicles the least?

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina has the lowest electric vehicle use in Europe, according to Eurostat data 
  • North Macedonia takes second place on the list 
  • Turkey comes third 

New research has revealed the European countries using electric vehicles the least, with Bosnia and Herzegovina coming out on top. 

The study by electronic registration portal Vignettecroatia.com analysed the latest 2022 data from Eurostat to see which European countries had the lowest percentage of registered electric vehicles. 

It found that Bosnia and Herzegovina is the country with the lowest electric vehicle use in Europe, with just 0.01% of all vehicles being electric. As of the latest 2022 data, there are 1,006,142 registered vehicles in the country, of which just 138 are electric-powered. 

North Macedonia comes second on the list, with 0.04% of all vehicles being electric in the country. It has 483,482 registered vehicles in total, of which 190 of these are electric. 

In third place is the south-eastern Europe country of Turkey. The country comes in with 14,552, or 0.1% of the 14,269,352 registered vehicles being electric. 

Cyprus takes fourth place on the list, with 0.138% of all vehicles in the nation being electric. Of all 601,131 registered electric vehicles in the country, just 830 are electric. 

Rounding out the top five is Poland. The study found that 30,841, or 0.144% of all the 21,458,101 registered vehicles in the country are electric.  

The European countries with the lowest percentage of electric vehicles 

Rank  Country  Total registered vehicles 2022  Total registered electric vehicles 2022  Percentage of electric vehicles 
1  Bosnia and Herzegovina  1,006,142  138  0.01% 
2  North Macedonia  483,482  190  0.04% 
3  Turkey  14,269,352  14,552  0.10% 
4  Cyprus  601,131  830  0.138% 
5  Poland  21,458,101  30,841  0.144% 
6  Albania  639,379  1,245  0.19% 
7  Moldova  745,970  1,553  0.21% 
8  Bulgaria  2,896,777  6,293  0.22% 
9  Czechia  6,305,934  14,195  0.23% 
10  Georgia  1,333,012  3,147  0.24% 

Commenting on the findings, Luka Stojčević, a spokesperson for Vignettecroatia.com, said: “While electric cars are more common and affordable than ever, they still are an expensive purchase at a minimum for a lot of Europe, and this is seen here with electric vehicles making up less than 1% of vehicles in many countries. However, as technology improves and overall production becomes cheaper, we can expect this list to shuffle around as more countries buy into the market.” 


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