Whiz kids behind Wizzle take global entrepreneurship award

A team of 16-year-old students from the Experimental Senior High School of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki has won the 2024 De La Vega Global Entrepreneurship Award for the game Wizzle, which is based on symmetries and artistic motifs found in all cultures, cultivates the imagination and combats stress.
The students, who are the creators of the virtual company Isometricks, are at the top of the business world or, according to their statement, have been “in seventh heaven” since Wednesday.
Wizzle is aimed equally at students practicing geometry, people with learning disabilities, stressed-out adults and people in the early stages of dementia. It was an early hit last July when the Greek candidacy emerged as the winner of the pan-European competition.
In the current event, which took place online, the Greek team represented all of Europe. The Thessaloniki students were pitted against their peers with virtual businesses from the US, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Arab countries.