“Why can’t we take our time with electric vehicles?”

WASHINGTON (WIBC) — Your congressman agrees electric vehicles have a future in the United States, but he wants to take time with the transition.
Congressman Greg Pence joined the US House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on the Department of Energy budget this week, where he had time to question DOE Secretary Jennifer Granholm.
Pence argued that while he’s in favor of electric vehicles, he believes the Biden administration’s “aggressive” push towards electric cars and trucks isn’t in the best interest of the United States right now, “sometimes I worry a little bit what we’re doing is rolling out, supporting the automobile industry, so that they (car makers) can sell more cars in China.”
Pence recalled energy and electric vehicle roundtables he’s held in Indiana, where he’s joined by industry developers and leaders. He says he’s heard “one horror story after another” about the government-incentive work being done.
“Why can’t we be a little more cautious and take our time on rolling this out,” Pence asked Secretary Granholm, “why can’t the administration just take a little bit of a timeout and reassess what’s happening out in the field, that my constituents tell me about?”
Granholm argued the Biden administration is aware of the issues with electric vehicle stability, charger availability, and the sometimes-rough implementation of electric vehicle stations in cities and countryside alike.