Winning poster contests using artificial intelligence is over

In Spain, we have had a lot of commotion with the posters of town and city festivals, contests organized by municipalities for citizens to propose powerful posters for their events… and by the way, the prize is in cash, which encourages competition.
And of course, that’s where AI came in a few years ago, to make our lives easier and for many pirates to decide to use AI to create these posters: zero effort, all the reward.
If you want to create posters with artificial intelligence, here are the best tools, you never know when you’re going to need them (just don’t use them for evil).
Fortunately for real artists, some city councils have started to ban the use of artificial intelligence in the creation of their contest posters, rejecting any proposal that has been made using AI (or assisted by AI).
This mainly affects Rubén Lucas, an artist from Murcia who has won more than 40 awards in the last two years thanks to presenting posters made with AI, and in many cases, he has even presented the same poster in several different municipalities.
The town of Calvià, in Mallorca, has decided that it will no longer allow AI in their posters, so they have banned these tools in the rules of their contests. Hopefully, the rest of the municipalities in Spain will follow their example.
Journalist specialized in technology, entertainment and video games. Writing about what I’m passionate about (gadgets, games and movies) allows me to stay sane and wake up with a smile on my face when the alarm clock goes off. PS: this is not true 100% of the time.