Young entrepreneurs invited to pitch products to community, judges

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – Young entrepreneurs are getting a hand in marketing their products. They could win some cash, too!
Stephanie Norwood with GO Topeka and Candis Stiles with the Shawnee Co. K-State Extension Office visited Eye on NE Kansas to share information about the Young Innovators Market Contest.
The event invites students in grades 7 through 12 to make a business pitch about a produce they’re selling. They’ll be able to set up shop the night of July 12 in Evergy Plaza. Participants will be judged, with cash prizes awarded for first, second and third place. They’ll also be able to keep any money made from sale that night.
Students are invited to optional learning sessions before the contest. They’ll gain information about creating a market booth, pricing, and strategies to engage with customers.
Students must be a resident of or attending school in Shawnee Co. Products sold must be listed on their application and be approved in advance by contest organizers.
The learning sessions are from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Shawnee Co. Extension Office, 1740 SW Western. A June 26 session is for food businesses; June 27 is for non-food businesses.
The contest starts at 6 p.m. July 12 at Evergy Plaza. To register, visit Registration is due June 21.
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