Young Tijuana native entrepreneur doesn’t give up in the face of adversity: he’s inviting people to visit his business on social media

Tijuana is known for being a city where many people go to achieve their dreams. In addition, residents are inspired with stories from other entrepreneurs and then they decide to join this industry, open their own business, and making everything possible so that it becomes successful.
Javier Leyva: young entrepreneur that fights to achieve his dreams
Recently, a post on Facebook went viral in which a Tijuana native young man shared his case. He said that he started his own business 6 months ago: “Mariscos El Compa Javi” and though things have not been going as expected, he has not given up and is looking to do his best to make his entrepreneurship successful by sharing information about it on social media.

In an exclusive interview with SanDiegoRed, 24-year-old Javier Leyva told us that he is currently a student at the Institute of Gastronomy of Baja California (IGBC) and works in the evenings in an Italian restaurant in the city while managing his business.

He said:
I can say that my business is small, but cute. It is a place where you can go to, enjoy your time, eat tacos, and enjoy them. My siblings help me, they are also studying.
He said that because of problems in his initial location, he decided to move but not by making his clients approach him, but he deciding to approach them. He currently has 3 different places where he goes to every weekend.
Calle Juan Ruiz de Alarcón 19526, Nueva Tijuana, 22435
Calle Tercera 228, Roberto De La Madrid, 22435, Tijuana
Avenida Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 9450, Nueva Tijuana, 22434, Tijuana
He is aware that this road won’t be easy and that his goals can only be accomplished if he perseveres. Javier has been in the gastronomic industry for 6 years. He said that the opening of his seafood business has a reason to be: he wants to open his own Japanese restaurant in the future, which is why, despite adversities, he plans to continue moving forward and fighting for his dream.
He also said:
I will not give up, there are many things I have planned, and with a lot of effort and dedication, I will make it happen.

Lastly, Javier shared a message for Tijuana natives and people who wish to become entrepreneurs but don’t take the step because they are afraid or because of other circumstances:
Never give up. Despite difficulties, problems, there is always a way, believe in your dreams and goals, don’t listen to negative comments, always focus on your goals. Tijuana is a city in which all of us can grow in, it is up to us!
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